alakananda-lights-lamp alakananda-satsang fire-ceremony hanukkah garden-st-frances graduates-with-alakananda kirtan temple-altar little-girls-festival food-tapestry holding-hands food
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Alandi Ashram, Alandi Ayurveda Gurukula and the Alandi Ayurveda Clinic are nestled up against the foothills in beautiful Boulder, Colorado. Founded in 1990 by Alakananda Ma and Sadanandaji, Alandi Ashram is inspired by the saints of Alandi, Sant Jnaneshvar and Raghudas Maharaj, Alandi Ashram manifests their core teachings of oneness, simplicity, love and connectedness. As Raghudas has taught us,

"there are many rivers, yet one ocean."

Thus, we honor one spirit through multiple world wisdom traditions, one heart in a diversity of individual expression and one consciousness in Earth and her varied life forms.

We practice simplicity by living humbly and sustainably upon our Mother Earth and express our love as a healing community rooted in the teachings of Ayurveda. Recognizing that health of the individual and the family rests upon the health of the Earth, we are devoted to earth-healing practices centered upon the five sacred elements: earth, water, fire, air and space. We seek to sustain nature in all our daily choices, including housing, food production, transportation, healthcare and energy use.

Meeting our needs with simplicity and making our offerings of spiritual practices and Ayurveda accessible to all, we reach out to nourish those who are socially disenfranchised or economically disadvantaged. In the spirit of connectedness, we welcome seekers of all walks of life into our family of the heart.

...It is so refreshing to walk through the gardens at Alandi and be served a cup of tea, and also to receive the hand made herbal formulas. This place is real, and operates on a human (not corporate) scale; something I highly value and recommend!Testimonials


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